Flexibility is power

Flexibility is power


PV and Battery monitoring system

PV and Battery plants can go virtual - combine several PV plants into one big PV park or split up into separate small PV plants.

A system in balance

A system in balance
Every second there needs to be a balance between production and consumption in the electricity grid. With the Solbasen Hub, the battery or/and is connected so that it is included and supports the electricity grid and ensures that it is in balance.

Financial Benefits through Compensation

As an owner, you can participate in various electricity market services and be compensated for providing flexibility and quick response. This means a financial opportunity to generate income from your energy storage system.

Optimization of Own Energy Use

Energy storage units enable the storage of excess electricity when supply is high and demand is low. In this way, you can optimize your own energy use by using stored energy during periods of higher demand or when electricity prices are higher.

Environmentally friendly Energy consumption

By using energy storage devices, you can promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy consumption. You can store energy from renewable sources when they are available and use it when needed, reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Solbasen steering unit

Vendor Solax
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Best choice for residential PV plants
Logger for small plants up to 30 kW.

Combined with a smart meter it gives a complete picture of energy generation and consumption in your house. Residential PV plant installers like this logger for its cost effectiveness and ease of connecting to the internet. The WiFi bundle lets you bypass WiFi network setup and manage all settings remotely.

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